This is my first experience at blogging (I hope it is not that obvious!). This has been a real learning experience for me and has consumed many hours of time mostly just learning design and layout elements. I hope you learn something. Please feel free to leave comments. Thanks guys.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Motivation is extremely important in our daily lives. The degree to which we are, or are not, motivated is the driving force behind everything we do from the simple act of putting our feet on the floor in the morning to the last activity of the day and everything in-between. Motivation not only determines whether we begin an activity, but also how well we perform and if we finish what we begin. As children, the majority of our extrinsic motivation came from the adults in our lives such as parents and teachers (Maslow, 1968). Now, as adults ourselves, we have to be self-motivators and, if we are teachers or managers, we must be able to motivate others.
Motivation of others can be difficult because motivation is a very individual experience for everyone. Some are motivated by rewards, some by public recognition, and others just by feeling like they have done well at a particular task. Student motivation—or the lack thereof—unquestionably plays a role in spurring academic performance. It is also very important for young students to feel like their efforts are recognized by parents, teachers, and adults in the community. The education challenges facing our country at the present are too large for only schools and educators to solve them on their own. Families and communities must also become involved in order to foster a collective sense of motivation for our nation's young learners (Ormrod, 2008).


Ormrod, J.E. (2008). Human Learning (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice, Hall.

Maslow, Abraham H.  (1968). Toward a Psychology of Being. Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J.


  1. Kerry,
    Motivation is an important quality to have. One that I am lacking in at times. I try to be more motivated so I can be a good example for my daughter so one day she will be a very motivated young woman.
    Good job on the blog, I would have never known you were new to this if you didn't say so!

  2. Kerry,
    I love your quote by Martin Luther King about how "not now" becomes "never"! So true! Great blog-I really enjoyed it!
